
Friday, 21 July 2017


She pressed play and the music started. It was her favourite song and never failed to cheer her up.
She smiled and tapped her foot and hummed along.
When the song was finished it began playing again. Was it slightly louder this time? She wasn't sure.
It ended and replayed once more. It was definitely louder. She was still enjoying it though.
After six plays it was playing again at a volume that might annoy the neighbours.
She pressed pause. Nothing happened.
She pressed stop. Nothing happened.
She pressed the on/off button. Nothing happened.
She pulled the plug out of the wall. It still played.
By now it was deafening and she had to leave the room.
The roar of music forced the glass of the windows into the garden and a car alarm began screaming.
She found the fusebox and turned her electricity off completely.
The music still played.

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