
Thursday 21 April 2016


There was only one packet of digestive biscuits left on the shelf and both women reached for it at the same time.
Their hands both grabbed the packet and there was a minor tug-o-war for a few seconds. This stopped and they settled on simply holding on to the biscuits and hoping that the other one gave up.
After an hour a crowd was forming. It wasn't much of a battle to watch. The two customers were having a pleasant conversation and there was no animosity between them. They just both wanted the digestives.
A team from the local news programme turned up soon after and filmed them, presumably for a witty 'and finally' item.
After three and a half hours there was no sign of the deadlock being broken.
A member of store staff fought his way through those who were watching. He had in his hands a large box.
"Look," he said as he placed the box on the floor and cut the tape along its top.
He pulled out a packet of digestive biscuits.
"We've just had a delivery. There's enough biscuits for you both!"
The crowd began to drift away, realising the situation was resolved.
The two women looked at each other.
"No, it's ok. I want this packet," said the first one.
"Me too," said the second.

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