
Friday, 29 January 2016

Ramble On

She walked up the lane and opened the gate. She stepped into the field full of sheep and headed up the hill.
She loved going on country walks and living where she did facilitated this.
The fresh air was something she never got during her time in the city and the silence, well it wasn’t quite golden, but certainly a silver medallist in the Nature Olympics.
She rambled onwards, knowing she’d be at the top of the ridge enjoying the view in about fifteen minutes.
She stopped and took a swig from her water bottle. The bottle may have contained wine, but what does that matter?
She reached the ridge and turned to look at the village below. It stood there looking like a postcard view of the English countryside.
It was a sunny day and the river gleamed as it wound its way down the valley.
She reached into her rucksack and took out a box with a button on it. She extended an antenna from the box and took another look at the village.
She pressed the button and smiled as the village exploded.

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