
Saturday 26 March 2016

Lesson in Violence

The man who was being served either had no idea that there were people waiting behind him or he just simply didn't give a shit. He was making small talk with the cashier, despite the fact that his bags were packed and his goods were paid for.
"Come on," hissed Eddie, who was now third in line. He only had a loaf of bread and he regretted using the 'express' till. The name was clearly a joke.
The man making the small talk ignored Eddie and carried on talking. The cashier was looking uncomfortable. "Ok them," she said, which translated as "piss off", but the man ignored her too.
He wanted to tell her all about the kitchen extension he was building.
Enough was enough. Eddie stormed to the front of the queue.
"Why don't you fuck off and let the rest of us pay for our stuff?" he shouted, centimetres from the other man's face.
"There's no need to be like that," the man suggested as Eddie's forehead smashed into the bridge of his nose.
The man collapsed to the floor, wondering if there was anything left of his shattered nose. His ribs were treated to several kicks and he was aware of people telling the man to stop.
Eddie didn't stop until the police arrived. When he told them what had happened in the car on the way to the station they were very sympathetic.

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