
Thursday 9 June 2016

Weekend Approach

Friday, 08:59
He sits at his desk, the weekend a million miles away. He has all manner of boring crap to do before he can think about having fun.

Friday, 10:45
Is it not lunchtime yet? Jesus Christ, this day is dragging.

Friday, 12:12
He has finished the boring crap. This is what happens when you get your head down and do some work. This is also what happens when you do a half-arsed job that nobody will ever notice.

Friday, 14:26
He received an email inviting him to the pub. Will he go? FUCK YES!

Friday, 15:51
Unbelievable that there is over an hour to go. He stares out of the window and sees children on their way home from school and some adults clearly heading to the pub already. Lucky bastards.

Friday, 16:19
Is this clock broken?

Friday, 16:32
He packs his bag in preparation for legging it as soon as the clock strikes 5.

Friday, 16:47
He has logged out of the system and shut down his computer. He checks his watch. 13 minutes. 780 seconds. 1/110 of a day, give or take.

Friday, 16:58
He waits by the door along with the others with the anticipation of an Olympic sprinter awaiting the starter's pistol.

Friday, 17:00
They all head to the pub like power-walkers, determined to be pissed by 19:00.

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